Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The need for Online Reputation Management

As it turns out, nothing can kill your prospects for fast growth  than a few unkind words posted by an alienated employee, “wronged” customer,  competitor or even a prankster. And its ease for anyone to do that given the ease and the anonymity of online communication. What’s more, if the comments are in  interactive communities , you can have a crisis in your hands.

 Most companies and executives don’t have any level of online reputation monitoring.

Yet, one simple thing that a company can do which will enable them to take corrective measures and a prevent a crisis: monitoring online reputation.

Put in place an online reputation monitoring system. For starters one can go to Google Alerts now, set up an account for free and put some keyword phrases  like the company name, products/services, and top executives.

That’s at least a start to getting your new online reputation protection program underway and can prove to be exceedingly valuable information.We will be talking more about online PR in the blogs to come.....


Manisha Singh said...

When every information is available a click away then one can sense the impact that online will have in the times to come ...thus,all corporates ,professionals both as a unit and as individuals should go in for a online reputation management ......

The new age is for PR 2.0 and many a brands have benifited a lot by using the social networking sites in a big way and because a sea change doesn't happen overnight one has to start early and the results will definately follow.....

Twitter is a revolution and so is linkedin......

ReputationManagementConsultants.com said...

ORM definitely is an essential to any online marketing campaign.